Segments (Trips)
Segments and Trips API
Segments help us get summarized data about a collection of events over a span of time grouped in a convenient and natural way, each segment can be thought of a partition of data in a timeline.
One of the way Pegasus summarizes data is using trips, trips are segments of data that have start and end times based on conditions such as time, ignition, distance, etc. Trip data includes totals, max, and averages of information captured during that particular time range, for example the total distance driven, max speed, etc. An entity can have at most 1 trip definition.
Another way Pegasus can group data is using segments, segments are yet another way to use conditions based on the status of the ignition or input to start and end segments, unlike trips you can define multiple definitions of segments to partition the data.
Segments are configured using the /remote/segment_setup
POST /api/vehicle/:vid/remote/segment_setup
"segment_type": "trips|hos", //trips or hos
A device can have exactly one segment of each segment_type.
Trips Configure
In order to configure the trips segments we can specify
Body attributes | Value | Description |
segment_type | trips | segment types to configure |
method | tracker or gps or ignition or labels | the method for splitting up trips |
mode | 0 , 1 , or 2 | these methods are valid for syrus 3 and taurus devices, not syrus 4 |
partition | 0 - 9999 | duration in seconds to finish a trip. available for syrus 3 and taurus devices |
distance | 1 - 999 | distance in meters to start a new trip |
labels | ts;te;dd | labels or events that must be met to start, end, or toggle trips |
Method "tracker"
(device)Trips are calculated by the device and messages are sent in a separate streams to the gps events.
The tracker method is only supported for Syrus 3 and Taurus devices
Tracker method requires mode
, partition
, and distance
can be:
- 0: use the motion sensor
- 1: ignition and motion
- 2: ignition only
: how long (seconds) the mode
condition must be met before finishing a trip, default is 210 seconds.
: how far of a distance (meters) to consider before starting a trip, default is 50 meters.
POST /api/vehicle/:vid/remote/segment_setup
"segment_type": "trips",
"method": "tracker",
"mode": 0|1|2,
"partition": 0-9999,
"distance": 1-999
Device | Mode | Start | End |
Taurus | 1 | Trips start when motion is detected by the phone's movement sensor and there's a distance traveled of more than 50 meters. | Trips end when there's no motion detected and the phone is in the same location for more than 4.5 minutes or manually when the user clicks Stop trip on the app |
Syrus3 | 0 | When motion is detected and the distance traveled is more than XXX meters | Trip ends when there's no movement detected for more than YYY seconds |
Syrus3 | 1 | Trips start when the ignition is ON, and movement is detected, and the distance traveled is more than XXX meters | Trip ends when the ignition is OFF and no movement is detected for more than YYY seconds or if the ignition remains ON and the vehicle does not detect movement for more than YYY seconds |
Syrus3 | 2 | Trips start when the ignition ON is detected and the distance traveled is more than XXX meters | Trip ends when the ignition OFF is detected for more than YYY seconds |
Method "gps"
Applies to Syrus and non-Syrus devices.
Internal logic used by Pegasus based on gps to establish whether the vehicle is moving or stopped.
POST /api/vehicles/:vid/remote/segment_setup
"segment_type": "trips",
"method": "gps"
Device | Method | Start | End |
Applies to Syrus3, Syrus4 and non-Syrus devices | GPS | Trips start when the average speed is greater than 3mph | Trips end when the average speed is less than 3mph for more than 4 minutes |
For more information on the logic used checkout the following forum.
Method "ignition"
Trips are started and ended based on the ignition state.
Falls back to GPS if the ignition state is not available.
POST /api/vehicles/:vid/remote/segment_setup
"segment_type": "trips",
"method": "ignition"
Device | Method | Start | End |
Applies to Syrus3, Syrus4 and non-Syrus devices | ignition | Trips start when the ignition ON is detected | Trips end when an ignition OFF is detected |
Method "labels"
Trips are started and ended based specified labels, requires labels
in the configuration payload
the format is composed of switches, switch=label
, you can combine as many of these as you want with ;
allowed switches
: default switchts
: trip start, trip endss
: stop start, stop end
will start and end a trip based on the ignition labelsts=in1on;ts=in2on;ts=panic;te=ignoff
will start a trip or a stopdd=trpswtch
end current trip and start new onets=ignon;te=idl;te=ignoff
will start a trip with ignition on, and end with idle or ignition off labelts=ignon;dd=in1on
will start a trip with ignition on and switch with in1on label
if you do not provide a dd
switch, you need to make sure that the start and end conditions are met.
i.e ts|ss
require a te|se
POST /api/vehicles/:vid/remote/segment_setup
"segment_type": "trips",
"method": "labels",
"labels": "switch1=label1[;switch2=label2[;switch3=...]]"
Device | Method | Start | End |
Applies to Syrus and non-Syrus devices | labels | Trips start when the ts label occurs, or there's a stop and the dd label occurs | Trips end when the te label occurs, or there's a trip and the dd label occurs, or the device is coming from a trip and the ss label occurs |
Segments Configure
Hours of Service
Hours of Service segments are special segments that are built from a boolean signal that the vehicle reports.
The segments use the signal as a condition to start a segment of type working
or resting
In order to configure this type of segment, in the body we can specify:
Body attributes | Example | Description |
segment_type | "hos" | hours of service will be the type of segment |
signal | "moving" | Boolean signal that the vehicle reports. The signal moving will be in true once motion is detected. In this case, the vehicle will be in a working segment. |
max_work_hours | 12 h | Maximum hours that the entity must work. The entity is overworked if works more than max_work_hours . |
min_rest_hours | 6 h | Minimum hours that the entity must rest. |
max_continuous_work_hours | 2h | Maximum hours that the entity must work continuously. The system will trigger an alert if the entity works continually for more than this maximum. |
min_break_hours | 0.25 h | Minimum time required to start a break. |
POST /api/vehicles/:vid/remote/segment_setup
"segment_type": "hos",
"signal": "moving",
"max_work_hours": 8,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_break_hours": 0.25
can refer to any of the following values on the event
- Inputsio_outX
- Outputsio_ign
- Ignition stateio_pwr
- Power stateecu_speed
- ECU speed onlymoving
- Moving state- Moving is true when the
gps speed
is > 3mph and there'svalid_gps
- Moving is false when the
gps speed
is < 3mph and there'svalid_gps
- If there's no
it falls back to the movement sensor
- Moving is true when the
- or any other field outside of the
Ignition reported as false
Note that if at some point the ignition state was reported as True, but then the device reports it as off/False, even while it's moving, in other words there's a physical issue with the ignition, then the segments will not be created correctly. It would be recommended to switch to another signal like ecu_speed or io_pwr, or fix the installation of the device.
HoS Segments
The signal
will be in true once motion is detected and will transition into aworking
segment. If the vehicle stops moving, the signal transitions to false, at which point starts aresting_start
that records the date on which the vehicle stops moving. Whilemoving
is false, theresting_start
will be kept recording the date, so we can know how much time the vehicle is without motion. Once the rest time reachesmin_rest_hours
, a segment inresting
will be created and theworking
segment is ended.The behavior is similar if we use another type of signal, the
segment will be created when the signal goes true, and when the signal goes false and the entity remains in that state for at leastmin_rest_hours
then aresting
segment is created.
View Segment/Trips Configuration
In order to get the configuration of the trip and segments configured you can use the device package from the device API.
To access this data you can use the vehicles API, that show the current segment.
/vehicles/459?select=device:segments trip_setup
"device": {
"segments": {
"setup": {
"hos": {
"max_work_hours": 8,
"signal": "moving",
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_break_hours": 0.1
"_epoch": 1698324803.59646,
"entries": {
"hos": {
"entity_id": 459,
"signal": "moving",
"end_event": null,
"start_time": 1698318344.0,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_break_hours": 0.1,
"max_work_hours": 8,
"resting_start": null,
"state": "working",
"end_time": null,
"device": 866771027161925,
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03707,
"mph": 15.5,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142665.0,
"lat": 4.81702,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18725628.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698318344.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184544190.0
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"breaks": [
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03706,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142665.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698318638.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18725717.0,
"lat": 4.81712,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184544481.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03706,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142784.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698319845.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18725832.0,
"lat": 4.81702,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184545683.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03706,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142784.0,
"lat": 4.81699,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18725852.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698319896.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184545735.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03701,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142784.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698322559.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18725882.0,
"lat": 4.8171,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184548397.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03731,
"mph": 0.6,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142859.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698323221.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18726054.0,
"lat": 4.81722,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184549059.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03716,
"mph": 4.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142902.0,
"lat": 4.817,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18726545.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698323750.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184549589.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03764,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142902.0,
"lat": 4.81678,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18726805.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698323953.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184549792.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03772,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142902.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698324747.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18727150.0,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184550586.0
"resting_start_event": null
"imei": 866771027161925
"id": 459
or you can also use the devices API
GET /api/devices/:imei?select=segments,trip_setup
"count": 1,
"set": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"segments": {
"setup": {
"hos": {
"max_work_hours": 8,
"signal": "moving",
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_break_hours": 0.1
"_epoch": 1698324910.690634,
"entries": {
"hos": {
"entity_id": 459,
"signal": "moving",
"end_event": null,
"start_time": 1698318344.0,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_break_hours": 0.1,
"max_work_hours": 8,
"resting_start": null,
"state": "working",
"end_time": null,
"device": 866771027161925,
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03707,
"mph": 15.5,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142665.0,
"lat": 4.81702,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18725628.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698318344.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184544190.0
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"breaks": [
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03706,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142665.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698318638.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18725717.0,
"lat": 4.81712,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184544481.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03706,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142784.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698319845.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18725832.0,
"lat": 4.81702,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184545683.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03706,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142784.0,
"lat": 4.81699,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18725852.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698319896.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184545735.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03701,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142784.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698322559.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18725882.0,
"lat": 4.8171,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184548397.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03731,
"mph": 0.6,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142859.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698323221.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18726054.0,
"lat": 4.81722,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184549059.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03716,
"mph": 4.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142902.0,
"lat": 4.817,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18726545.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698323750.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184549589.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03764,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142902.0,
"lat": 4.81678,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18726805.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698323953.0,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184549792.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03772,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142902.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698324747.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18727150.0,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184550586.0
"resting_start_event": null
"imei": 866771027161925
"pages": 1,
"page": 1
You can also get the data from live websockets via the device package.
Browse segments
These are the currently supported query params to get trips data:
Param | Type | Description |
ids | Number | Trips of interest |
from | String | Time from YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss] |
to | String | Time to YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss] |
duration | String | ISO_8601 Duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, PnW, PT) (ex: P1D = Past 1 Day) |
vehicles | Number | Vehicles to get data from |
fields | String | Which data fields do you want to include |
contained | Boolean | Whether to return only fully contained trips within 'from' and 'to' |
moving | Boolean | Set to true to view only trips that were moving |
distance | String | unit to return distance values in (default: meters) |
volume | String | unit to return volume values in (default: liters) |
time | String | unit to return time values in (default: second) |
speed | String | unit to return speed values in (default: distance_unit/time_unit) |
export | String | format to export the trips data (csv or tsv) |
Combining parameters
All requested conditions defined by the parameters are logically ANDed, so invalid conditions will return no trips (eg: requesting ids=12 and vehicles=34 but trip with id=12 belongs to vehicle with id=56).
Request the trips for a vehicle
"distance": 13.405,
"mean_speed": 43.28,
"start_time": "2015-12-25 10:04:05",
"moving": true,
"duration": 18.58
"distance": 0,
"mean_speed": 0,
"start_time": "2015-12-25 10:22:40",
"moving": false,
"duration": 5.87
"distance": 25.33,
"mean_speed": 36.49,
"start_time": "2015-12-25 10:28:32",
"moving": true,
"duration": 41.65
Fields Description
You can view a description of the trips fields here /trips/keys
Note that you can also use
to retrieve only certain results from the trips keysFor example only retrieve units and type from the trips keys:,type
The available options for the
parameter are:
- all (default)
- none
- type
- short_desc
- long_desc
- units
then no data for the fields is requested and only an array of available fields names is returned.
View the distance, duration, ignition time, idle time, and the average speed per trip
"mean_speed": 13.17,
"duration": 3483,
"idle": 0,
"distance": 45876,
"ignition": 3483
When getting trips, if the fields parameter is undefined, then all available trips' fields data will be returned by default.
Hours of Service Segments API
To browse HoS segments you can use the segments partition API
GET /api/segments?partition=<partition>&entities=<vid>&from=<date>&to=<date>
These are the currently supported query params to get segments data:
Param | Description |
partition | How the segments are partitioned, for now only: entity_hos & kamaleon are supported |
from | Time from YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss] |
to | Time to YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss] |
duration | ISO_8601 Duration format (PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, PnW, PT) (ex: P1D = Past 1 Day) |
entities | Vehicle IDs to get data from |
offset | Result offset to view next segments. Number of results to skip until you reach the total. |
data.state | working or resting |
data.start_event.label | label corresponding with the end_event and start_event |
The response shows segments sorted by creation date, most recent to oldest. The end_event
of the working segment records the same info as the start_event
of the resting segment, which means that the working segment ended because a resting segment started.
"count": 20,
"query": {
"groups": null,
"offset": 0,
"data": null,
"from": "2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00",
"entities": [
"section": 1,
"partition": "entity_hos",
"ids": null,
"to": "2023-11-30T16:29:52.906129+00:00",
"limit": 100
"total": 20,
"data": [
"uuid": "064fcf3d-ea5d-41bc-a702-16356a52b5c4",
"start_time": "2023-11-30T05:02:37+00:00",
"partition": "entity_hos",
"end_time": "2023-11-30T11:51:38+00:00",
"identifier": "459",
"data": {
"entity_id": 459,
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03707,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157690.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701345098.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20670626.0,
"lat": 4.81688,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187564198.0
"signal": "moving",
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_work_hours": 8,
"state": "resting",
"end_time": 1701345098.0,
"device": 866771027161925,
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03684,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701320557.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670572.0,
"lat": 4.81671,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 187539717.0
"min_break_hours": 360.0,
"start_time": 1701320557.0
"uuid": "e290f1f3-ddca-496c-9ac4-9201e319f51a",
"start_time": "2023-11-29T11:49:03+00:00",
"partition": "entity_hos",
"end_time": "2023-11-30T05:02:37+00:00",
"identifier": "459",
"data": {
"entity_id": 459,
"start_time": 1701258543.0,
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03684,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701320557.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670572.0,
"lat": 4.81671,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 187539717.0
"breaks": [
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04913,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157568.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701271087.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20580201.0,
"lat": 4.85419,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187490330.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.0485,
"mph": 19.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157568.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701271629.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20580394.0,
"lat": 4.8557,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187490871.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03767,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701277499.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20588908.0,
"lat": 4.81704,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187496742.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03759,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701278466.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20589114.0,
"lat": 4.81696,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187497709.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.0374,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701278482.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20589142.0,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187497726.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03701,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701279038.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20589224.0,
"lat": 4.8167,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187498281.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04465,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701280905.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20593970.0,
"lat": 4.77525,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187500149.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.04403,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701283253.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20594244.0,
"lat": 4.77523,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187502492.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04376,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701283279.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20594272.0,
"lat": 4.77523,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187502517.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.04376,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701284177.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20594424.0,
"lat": 4.77539,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187503410.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03711,
"mph": 0.6,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701286773.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20607876.0,
"lat": 4.81696,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187505999.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03735,
"mph": 4.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291043.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20608038.0,
"lat": 4.81734,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510270.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03774,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291091.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20608101.0,
"lat": 4.81709,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510318.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03773,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291517.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20608163.0,
"lat": 4.81701,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510743.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -73.9878,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701295734.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20640371.0,
"lat": 5.03404,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187514962.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -73.98803,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701296561.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20640657.0,
"lat": 5.0338,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187515787.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -73.98792,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701296569.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20640674.0,
"lat": 5.03386,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187515795.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -73.98763,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701298166.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20641200.0,
"lat": 5.03408,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187517376.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03756,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302000.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670335.0,
"lat": 4.81669,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187521204.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03742,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302375.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20670364.0,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187521578.0
"resting_start": 1701302607.0,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_work_hours": 8,
"state": "working",
"end_time": 1701320557.0,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"device": 866771027161925,
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03697,
"mph": 9.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157328.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701258543.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20559591.0,
"lat": 4.81712,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187477794.0
"min_break_hours": 360.0,
"signal": "moving",
"resting_start_event": {
"lon": -74.03693,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "ignoff",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302607.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670572.0,
"lat": 4.81679,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 187521810.0
Segments Pagination
Note that the response of the segments API is paginated and returns the first 100 results.
The way to navigate the rest of the segments requested when there's more than 100 results is to useoffset
. Theoffset
pops the most recent X amount of segments from the results until you reach the total segments. The total is reached when you havecount
from the response +offset
from the param equaling thetotal
from the response.In other words if the total is 147 segments, the normal API response would return the first 100:
"count": 100, ... "total": 147, "data": []
To get the next 47 you can pop the first 100 using the
"count": 47, ... "total": 147, "data": []
Units in Segments API
Note that the units responded in the Segments API are the default ones reported by the API.
Distance = meters
Time = seconds
Volume = liters
Speed = km/h
Hours of Service States
For the sake of Hours of Service the following states are derived from segments
State | Status | Description |
Working | Valid | Working less than or equal to the max_work_hours and working continuously less than or equal to the max_continuous_work_hours . |
Working | Invalid | Working more than the max_work_hours or working continuously more than max_continuous_work_hours . |
Working | Unfinished | The time that the vehicle has been turned off is less than minimum rest hours . |
Resting | Valid | The time that the vehicle has been turned off is equal to or more than min_rest_hours . |
The general idea of this API is to know:
- The maximum hours that the entity works.
- The maximum time that an entity works continually.
- The break times during the working segment.
- The minimum rest time of an entity.
As we mentioned above, HoS are segments that can have two states: working
or resting
. In the configuration of HoS segments, we specified the max_work_hours
, min_break_hours
and min_rest_ hours
The working segment starts when the signal is true (for example if the signal is ignition, then when the ignition is on). When the signal goes to false, the vehicle enters at resting, and a resting_start
property with the date when the vehicle starts resting is recorded. If the vehicle remains in this resting state for at least the min_rest_hours
, then will be created a resting
segment, so the cycle will be closed at this point because the entity completed his/her working and resting hours. Both segments: working + resting create a cycle.
The HoS API shows entities' working and resting segments, which form a cycle. It shows information related to the working cycle of a vehicle/driver, ex: the time when the cycle started, the total worked hours, the brakes-times, the total resting hours, etc. It also shows if the cycle is valid or not. If the vehicle/driver works more than max_work_hours
the cycle is invalid (valid
: false).
Let's take an example:
The driver needs to travel from Miami to New York. In this example, the signal is ignition
We have this segment configuration:
"segment_type": "hos",
"signal": "ignition",
"max_work_hours": 8,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_break_hours": 0.25
Step | Action | System response |
1 | The driver turns on the vehicle. Ignition On | Create a working segment with start_time : current date, state : working, io_ign : true, etc. |
3 | The driver turns off the vehicle (for lunch). Ignition Off | The working segment switch io_ign : false, the state continue in working and in the resting_start the system records the date when the driver turned off the vehicle. The vehicle remains in this resting state for at least min_break_hours and the system will record this break time. |
3 | The driver finishes his/her lunch and turns on the vehicle to continue traveling. Ignition On | The segment switch io_ign : true and state continue in working because the rest time was not equal to or greater than min_rest_hours . |
5 | The driver turns off the vehicle (for dinner and sleep). Ignition Off | The segment switch io_ign : false, the state continue in working and in the resting_start property the system records the date when the driver turned off the vehicle. The vehicle remains in this resting state for a time equal to or more than min_rest_hours , so at this time, when the vehicle reports the next event, it automatically ends the work segment, and a rest segment is created with(state : resting, io_ign : false, etc). Note that the segment switches on the next received event. |
6 | The next morning the driver turns on the vehicle to continue traveling. Ignition On | The resting segment is ended, and is created another working segment(start_time : current date, state : working,io_ign : true, etc). At this moment, the entity has one finished cycle (the working segment + resting segment) corresponding with the day before and also has one current cycle that is not finished yet. |
While the trip lasts, the cycles will be recorded depending on the working and resting segments that are ending. If a segment does not end, it means that the entity has not generated another event (for example: Turn on the vehicle).
This API is found in a separate server, d2.
The parameters are
Param | Description |
auth | Token (Pegasus) |
from | start date (YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss]) |
to | end date (YYYY-MM-DD[Thh:mm:ss]), defaults to current time |
entities | Ids related to vehicles or assets |
groups | Ids related to groups |
pointer | The element pointer of the segment API. |
limit | Amount of cycles. By default is 250. Maximum is 250. |
section | The API sections the entities when the quantity is greater than 100, the API returns how many sections it was divided into. |
HoS Pagination
HoS API is based on segments API but uses a different pagination method due how data is processed; Thus
exists, which serves as an exact cursor for segments pagination. It allows to nagivate through the pages of data. The firstpointer
is always 0 and the API will indicate the value ofnext_pointer
.When navigating the API, it is important to considerate the quantity of entities requested; If the amount of entities exceeds 100, These will be split into what its called
. If not section specified in the request, the API defaults tosection
= 1, and each section has a different pointer.To navigate the HoS API, use the
and update its value with each result, as indicated by thenext_pointer
, until you reach -1, this means there are no more segments. Whennext_pointer
reaches value-1
, thesection
needs to change as well.{ "count": 250, ... "next_ponter": 1470, "sections": 32, "data": [...] }
Here is an example snippet:
async function getCycles (entities, groups, dates) { const token = 'YOUR PEG TOKEN'; let pointer = 0; let section = 1; let sections = 1; const response = []; while (section <= sections) { const uri = `${url}?auth=${token}&entities=${entities}&groups=${groups}&from=${dates.from}&to=${}&pointer=${pointer}§ion=${section}`; const request = await http_client.get(uri); sections = request.body.sections; let { next_pointer, data } = request._body; response.push(; if (next_pointer == -1) { pointer = 0; section++; } else { pointer = next_pointer; } } return response; };
"query": {
"from": "2023-11-29T11:49:03",
"to": "2023-11-30T11:51:38",
"pointer": 0,
"entities": [
"section": 1,
"limit": 250
"count": 1,
"limit": 250,
"next_pointer": -1,
"sections": 1,
"data": [
"cycle_start": "2023-11-29T11:49:03Z",
"cycle_end": "2023-11-30T11:51:38Z",
"start_working": "2023-11-29T11:49:03Z",
"end_working": "2023-11-30T00:03:27Z",
"cycle_working_time": 44064,
"cycle_rest_time": 42491,
"total_rest_time": 60068,
"total_breaks_time": 12806,
"break_times": 17577,
"last_working_location": {
"lat": 4.40137,
"lon": -75.29409
"valid": false,
"cycle_id": "e290f1f3-ddca-496c-9ac4-9201e319f51a",
"entity_id": 459,
"state": "resting",
"source": "vehicle",
"breaks": [
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04913,
"mph": 0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157568,
"event_time__epoch": 1701271087,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20580201,
"lat": 4.85419,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187490330
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.0485,
"mph": 19.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157568,
"event_time__epoch": 1701271629,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20580394,
"lat": 4.8557,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187490871
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03767,
"mph": 0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701277499,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20588908,
"lat": 4.81704,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187496742
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03759,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701278466,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20589114,
"lat": 4.81696,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187497709
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.0374,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701278482,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20589142,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187497726
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03701,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701279038,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20589224,
"lat": 4.8167,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187498281
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04465,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701280905,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20593970,
"lat": 4.77525,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187500149
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.04403,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701283253,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20594244,
"lat": 4.77523,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187502492
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04376,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701283279,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20594272,
"lat": 4.77523,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187502517
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.04376,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701284177,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20594424,
"lat": 4.77539,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187503410
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03711,
"mph": 0.6,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701286773,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20607876,
"lat": 4.81696,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187505999
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03735,
"mph": 4.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291043,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20608038,
"lat": 4.81734,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510270
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03774,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291091,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20608101,
"lat": 4.81709,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510318
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03773,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291517,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20608163,
"lat": 4.81701,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510743
"start_event": {
"lon": -73.9878,
"mph": 0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701295734,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20640371,
"lat": 5.03404,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187514962
"end_event": {
"lon": -73.98803,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701296561,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20640657,
"lat": 5.0338,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187515787
"start_event": {
"lon": -73.98792,
"mph": 0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701296569,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20640674,
"lat": 5.03386,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187515795
"end_event": {
"lon": -73.98763,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601,
"event_time__epoch": 1701298166,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20641200,
"lat": 5.03408,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187517376
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03756,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302000,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670335,
"lat": 4.81669,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187521204
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03742,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302375,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20670364,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187521578
"driver": null,
"driver_id": null,
"vehicle_id": 459,
"shipment_code": []
How do we get the data to build the cycle?
For example, to create the cycle depicted we need the data from the [Segments API](### Hours of Service Segments API)
"count": 20,
"query": {
"groups": null,
"offset": 0,
"data": null,
"from": "2023-11-20T00:00:00+00:00",
"entities": [
"section": 1,
"partition": "entity_hos",
"ids": null,
"to": "2023-11-30T16:29:52.906129+00:00",
"limit": 100
"total": 20,
"data": [
"uuid": "064fcf3d-ea5d-41bc-a702-16356a52b5c4",
"start_time": "2023-11-30T05:02:37+00:00",
"partition": "entity_hos",
"end_time": "2023-11-30T11:51:38+00:00",
"identifier": "459",
"data": {
"entity_id": 459,
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03707,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157690.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701345098.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20670626.0,
"lat": 4.81688,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187564198.0
"signal": "moving",
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_work_hours": 8,
"state": "resting",
"end_time": 1701345098.0,
"device": 866771027161925,
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03684,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701320557.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670572.0,
"lat": 4.81671,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 187539717.0
"min_break_hours": 0.1,
"start_time": 1701320557.0
"uuid": "e290f1f3-ddca-496c-9ac4-9201e319f51a",
"start_time": "2023-11-29T11:49:03+00:00",
"partition": "entity_hos",
"end_time": "2023-11-30T05:02:37+00:00",
"identifier": "459",
"data": {
"entity_id": 459,
"start_time": 1701258543.0,
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03684,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701320557.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670572.0,
"lat": 4.81671,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 187539717.0
"breaks": [
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04913,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157568.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701271087.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20580201.0,
"lat": 4.85419,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187490330.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.0485,
"mph": 19.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157568.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701271629.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20580394.0,
"lat": 4.8557,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187490871.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03767,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701277499.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20588908.0,
"lat": 4.81704,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187496742.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03759,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701278466.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20589114.0,
"lat": 4.81696,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187497709.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.0374,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701278482.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20589142.0,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187497726.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03701,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701279038.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20589224.0,
"lat": 4.8167,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187498281.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04465,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701280905.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20593970.0,
"lat": 4.77525,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187500149.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.04403,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701283253.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20594244.0,
"lat": 4.77523,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187502492.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04376,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701283279.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20594272.0,
"lat": 4.77523,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187502517.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.04376,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701284177.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20594424.0,
"lat": 4.77539,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187503410.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03711,
"mph": 0.6,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701286773.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20607876.0,
"lat": 4.81696,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187505999.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03735,
"mph": 4.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291043.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20608038.0,
"lat": 4.81734,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510270.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03774,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291091.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20608101.0,
"lat": 4.81709,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510318.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03773,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701291517.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20608163.0,
"lat": 4.81701,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187510743.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -73.9878,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701295734.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20640371.0,
"lat": 5.03404,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187514962.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -73.98803,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701296561.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20640657.0,
"lat": 5.0338,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187515787.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -73.98792,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701296569.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20640674.0,
"lat": 5.03386,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187515795.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -73.98763,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157601.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701298166.0,// 2023-11-29 10:49:26 PM
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20641200.0,
"lat": 5.03408,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187517376.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03756,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302000.0,// 2023-11-29 11:53:20 PM
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670335.0,
"lat": 4.81669,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187521204.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03742,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302375.0,//2023-11-29 11:59:35 PM
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20670364.0,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187521578.0
"resting_start": 1701302607.0,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_work_hours": 8,
"state": "working",
"end_time": 1701320557.0,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"device": 866771027161925,
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03697,
"mph": 9.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 157328.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701258543.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 20559591.0,
"lat": 4.81712,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 187477794.0
"min_break_hours": 0.1,
"signal": "moving",
"resting_start_event": {
"lon": -74.03693,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "ignoff",
"count_dev_idle": 157610.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1701302607.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 20670572.0,
"lat": 4.81679,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 187521810.0
Field | Description | Example |
cycle_start | working segment start time | working segment start_time: 2023-11-29T11:49:03 |
cycle_end | resting segment end time if the working segment is manually closed: | resting segment end_time: 2023-11-30T11:51:38 |
start_working | time the entity met the signal condition to start working (time in UTC) | working segment start_time: 2023-11-29T11:49:03 |
end_working | entity.working.resting_start if entity.working.resting_start is null/empty then | working segment "resting_start": 1701302607.0,= 2023-11-30T12:03:27 AM |
cycle_working_time | ( - ) - min_rest_hours or ( - ) - min_rest_hours or | 2023-11-30T12:03:27-2023-11-29T11:49:03 = 44,064 s = 12.14h |
cycle_rest_time | - or ( - ) + min_rest_hours | 2023-11-30T11:51:38 - 2023-11-30T12:03:27 = 42,491 s = 11.8h |
break_time | (working segment) total_ign_off_time = total_time - total_ign_on_time total_ign_off_time + total_idle_time - min_rest_time The idle time starts counting after 3 min. For more details see this document | |
total_break_time | The sum of all breaks in break[] | |
total_rest_time | cycle_rest_time +break_time | |
valid | true or false .Is true when the vehicle was turned off equal to or more than min_rest_hours , and the cycle_working_time is equal to or less than max_work_hours .Is false when the vehicle was turned off less than min_rest_hours or cycle_working_time is more than max_work_hours . | |
cycle_id | id related to the cycle | |
last_working_location | latitude and longitude at the time the work segment was closed if the cycle is open then the latitude and longitude of the last reported location | |
entity_id | or | |
state | working or resting | |
source | ex: vehicle | |
driver | or vehicle.driver | |
driver_id | | |
vehicle_id | | |
vehicle | | |
telephone | | |
shipment_codes | The codes are related to the Cemex shipments that the entity made during the cycle. Shipments are transactions that we receive from Cemex and are stored in a separate database (MongoDB) |
open/closed cycles
The cycle will be open if the
and the entity has no been stopped/turned off for less than themin_rest_hours
. The cycle will be closed when thestate
(even if thecycle_end
is null or not) or if the working segment is manually closed.
Manually close an overworked working segment
The working segment that is overworked can be manually closed, which means that the working segment will be closed/completed, and a new segment will be created automatically when the next event is received.
In this case, we have a vehicle online (the device is connected), and we manually close the working segment using the segment_close API vehicles/:id/remote/segment_close or devices/:imei/remote/segment_close
"segment_type": "hos"
We can see the closed segment in the segments API segments?partition=entity_hos&from=2023-10-27T10:00:00&to=2023-10-27T19:00:00&entities=459
Note that the closed segment has a property called $forced:true
inside the resting_start_event
object, which indicates that the segment started a forced rest, and the resting_start
records the date when the cycle was closed.
"count": 2,
"query": {
"groups": null,
"offset": 0,
"data": null,
"from": "2023-10-27T10:00:00+00:00",
"entities": [
"section": 1,
"partition": "entity_hos",
"ids": null,
"to": "2023-10-27T19:00:00+00:00",
"limit": 100
"total": 2,
"data": [
"uuid": "04865143-176f-4176-9f38-61df28069279",
"start_time": "2023-10-27T10:55:46+00:00",
"partition": "entity_hos",
"end_time": "2023-10-27T19:39:02.366268+00:00",
"identifier": "459",
"data": {
"resting_start": 1698435542.366268,
"entity_id": 459,
"start_time": 1698404146.0,
"end_event": {
"$forced": true,
"lon": 4.82651,
"mph": null,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698435542.366268,
"moving": null,
"count_dev_dist": 17318739,
"lat": 4.82651,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 29037750
"breaks": [
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03691,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143088.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698410430.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18803383.0,
"lat": 4.81659,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184636129.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03698,
"mph": 7.5,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143103.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698411014.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18803387.0,
"lat": 4.81658,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184636713.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.05419,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698415197.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18818195.0,
"lat": 4.69393,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184640897.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.05428,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698416811.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18818547.0,
"lat": 4.69399,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184642509.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03743,
"mph": 0.6,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698420759.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18835848.0,
"lat": 4.81682,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184646456.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03722,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698421251.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18835942.0,
"lat": 4.81675,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184646947.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03725,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698421330.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18836051.0,
"lat": 4.81696,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184647027.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03718,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698423836.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18836063.0,
"lat": 4.81697,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 184649533.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03717,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "ignon",
"event_time__epoch": 1698423828.0,
"moving": false,
"lat": 4.81695,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03722,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698424641.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18836206.0,
"lat": 4.81725,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184650338.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03762,
"mph": 2.5,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698424693.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18836359.0,
"lat": 4.81685,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184650390.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03756,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698425313.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18836566.0,
"lat": 4.8168,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184651010.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03625,
"mph": 1.2,
"label": "aaa",
"event_time__epoch": 1698425399.0,
"moving": false,
"lat": 4.81568,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03726,
"mph": 7.5,
"label": "aaa",
"event_time__epoch": 1698425784.0,
"moving": true,
"lat": 4.80684,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04442,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143128.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698429619.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18848731.0,
"lat": 4.85131,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184655301.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.044,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698431725.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18849104.0,
"lat": 4.85113,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184657387.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04317,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698432209.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18849578.0,
"lat": 4.8529,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184657867.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.0431,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698432846.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18849591.0,
"lat": 4.85293,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184658503.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.04422,
"mph": 1.9,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698433479.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18849741.0,
"lat": 4.85365,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184659137.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.04448,
"mph": 5.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698434214.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18849783.0,
"lat": 4.85367,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184659871.0
"secondary_id": 2142,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_work_hours": 8,
"state": "working",
"end_time": 1698435542.366268,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"device": 866771027161925,
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03712,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142952.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698404146.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18802100.0,
"lat": 4.81719,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184629856.0
"min_break_hours": 0.1,
"signal": "moving",
"resting_start_event": {
"$forced": true,
"lon": 4.82651,
"mph": null,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698435542.366268,
"moving": null,
"count_dev_dist": 17318739,
"lat": 4.82651,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 29037750
"sections": 1
In this example, the next event generated by the vehicle was a motion event, which indicates that the vehicle is still working, so a new working segment that belongs to another cycle is created. When this new segment is automatically completed, we have something like this
"count": 3,
"query": {
"groups": null,
"offset": 0,
"data": null,
"from": "2023-10-27T10:00:00+00:00",
"entities": [
"section": 1,
"partition": "entity_hos",
"ids": null,
"to": "2023-10-28T00:00:00+00:00",
"limit": 100
"total": 3,
"data": [
"uuid": "d1981395-cf9a-4f2d-9630-9944dd5ea8cd",
"start_time": "2023-10-27T19:30:18+00:00",
"partition": "entity_hos",
"end_time": "2023-10-28T05:46:56+00:00",
"identifier": "459",
"data": {
"resting_start": 1698453990.0,
"entity_id": 459,
"start_time": 1698435018.0,
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03672,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143164.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698472016.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18879172.0,
"lat": 4.81661,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": false,
"count_dev_ign": 184697633.0
"breaks": [
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03717,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698440995.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18859311.0,
"lat": 4.8172,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184666653.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.0372,
"mph": 4.3,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698441702.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18859343.0,
"lat": 4.81714,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184667361.0
"start_event": {
"lon": -74.03736,
"mph": 0.0,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698441866.0,
"moving": false,
"count_dev_dist": 18859392.0,
"lat": 4.81737,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184667525.0
"end_event": {
"lon": -74.03735,
"mph": 3.7,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698442471.0,
"moving": true,
"count_dev_dist": 18859553.0,
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"valid_gps": true,
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"count_dev_ign": 184658503.0
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"end_event": {
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"secondary_id": 2142,
"min_rest_hours": 4,
"max_work_hours": 8,
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"end_time": 1698435542.366268,
"max_continuous_work_hours": 2,
"device": 866771027161925,
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"lon": -74.03712,
"mph": 3.1,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 142952.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698404146.0,
"moving": true,
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"lat": 4.81719,
"valid_gps": true,
"io_ign": true,
"count_dev_ign": 184629856.0
"min_break_hours": 0.1,
"signal": "moving",
"resting_start_event": {
"$forced": true,
"lon": 4.82651,
"mph": null,
"label": "aaa",
"count_dev_idle": 143158.0,
"event_time__epoch": 1698435542.366268,
"moving": null,
"count_dev_dist": 17318739,
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"valid_gps": true,
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"count_dev_ign": 29037750
Note that we have two continuous working segments. The first one (the recent one) is a working segment that was automatically completed because it reached the configured min_rest_hours
and belongs to one cycle. The second one is a working segment that we manually closed and belongs to a different cycle. In this example, the cycle corresponding to the manually closed segment has only this segment.
A resting segment is created if the vehicle remains at rest when the next event is generated.
In the case of a disconnected entity, the current segment will remain in the "working" state in the API. When the device reconnects, all buffered events will be received and the segments will be updated based on this data.
Unlink a driver from a vehicle
A vehicle can have several drivers associated with it. Pegasus records the vehicle data and the associated drivers can see that data. If a driver disassociates from a vehicle that is in working state, the driver will continue to see the vehicle's data during the time specified in
min_rest hours
Updated 5 months ago