Forwarders API
API documentation for forwarders
Once a forwarder is created by the DCT staff, developers can retrieve its configuration using a GET request to the appropriate API endpoint. The response will include several parameters that define how the forwarder behaves.
Below is an example response:
"__created": 1634760253.175798,
"__updated": 1738800080.328601,
"__version": "7.5.4",
"dates_format": "ISOFORMAT",
"extra_headers": {},
"forward_conn_events": false,
"forward_gps_events": true,
"forward_other_eventtypes_csv": null,
"general": {
"stop_send": true,
"stop_queue": true,
"discard": true
"groups_filter": [456],
"id": 123,
"INBOX_DB_DUMP_AT": 1010000,
"include_evname": null,
"include_vinfo": true,
"port": null,
"protocol": "FWD:json_fwd",
"resource": "",
"time_zone": "UTC",
"vehicle_count": 1010
Forwarder Parameters
Note that parameters marked editable
parameters can be modified using the PUT request.
Parameter | Editable | Description |
__created | β | Timestamp indicating when the forwarder was created. |
__updated | β | Timestamp of the last update to the forwarder configuration. |
__version | β | Version of the forwarder configuration. |
dates_format | β | Defines the format in which dates are sent (e.g., ISOFORMAT ) Python datetime compatible. (Example: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S will yield 2025-12-24 23:59:59 |
extra_headers | β | Additional headers that will be included in the HTTP request to the destination endpoint. |
forward_conn_events | β | Whether connection events (online/offline status) should be forwarded. |
forward_gps_events | β | Whether GPS location events should be forwarded. |
forward_other_eventtypes_csv | β | Allows specifying additional event types to be forwarded using a CSV format. |
general | β | General configuration options such as stopping message sending, queue management, and discarding old events. More info below |
groups_filter | β | A list of group IDs to filter which vehiclesβ data should be forwarded. |
id | β | Unique identifier for the forwarder. |
INBOX_DB_DUMP_AT | β | Internal parameter related to the maximum number of events that are stored before they are discarded. |
include_evname | β | Whether to include event names in the forwarded data. |
include_vinfo | β | Whether to include vehicle information (such as name and attributes) in the forwarded data. |
MAX_MESS_PER_CALL | β | Maximum number of messages that can be sent per request. |
port | β | The port used for forwarding messages (if applicable). |
protocol | β | Defines the forwarder type (e.g., json_fwd , devicepkg ). |
resource | β | The destination URL where the forwarded messages will be sent. |
time_zone | β | Defines the time zone in which timestamps should be formatted. |
vehicle_count | β | The number of vehicles associated with the forwarder. |
paramsNote that when sending the request, make sure to use the entire JSON object as the body of the PUT
request, with the modifications.
general params | type | description |
discard | boolean | discards old messages in queue & any new messages |
filter_fields | object | available for FWD:devicepkg protocol, it allows you to filter specific device fields to forward. The list of available fields are found in the device payload section of Live Communications. |
keys | array | use it to only forward certain keys (there are special keys primary_name and primary that allow you to forward the entity's name and entire description info respectively.) |
keys_all | boolean | use it to forward all keys |
keys_include | array | use it to include keys that are not defined in the base set (has priority over keys) |
keys_exclude | array | use it to exclude any keys from the forwarder |
stop_send | boolean | when true it stops the forwarder and queues events |
stop_queue | boolean | when true it stops queuing events, discarding any new events |
labels_in | array | only allows certain labels to forward data |
labels_out | array | exclude the following labels from forwarding data |
default_values | object | key and default value, ex: {"ib": "000000000000"} |
include_primary | boolean | when true along with the field primary in keys or keys_include it includes a key called primary which contains the vehicle's information and custom properties |
Example general configs
// defining certain keys or fields to send
"general": {
"keys": [
// results in
"lat": -34.88844,
"lon": -56.11606,
"speed": 33,
"primary_name": "Blue Toyota",
"event_time": "2026-12-17T14:22:09+00:00",
"system_time": "2026-12-17T14:51:37.969868+00:00"
// Adding an extra header for security purposes
"extra_headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer YWRqZmFsZGpmbGFqc2RmbGFhZGxmam"
// including primary info
"include_primary": true,
"keys_include": [
"vid": 2292,
"lon": -80.19266,
"primary": {
"info": {
"range_unit": "mile",
"description": "Sample vehicle",
"tank_volume": null,
"color": "Black",
"make": "Peterbilt",
"vin": null,
"license_plate": "ABC123",
"alias": "foxtrot",
"range": 400,
"year": "2020",
"model": "567",
"tank_unit": "gallon"
"associations": [
"device": 862831032123456,
"time": 1592847039,
"id": 86,
"association": true,
"vehicle": 2292
"__updated": 1596475523.951629,
"associated_at": 1592847871,
"name": "My special car",
"primary": 9,
"__created": 1592607412.826321,
"images": {
"photo": false,
"on_icon": false,
"idle_icon": false,
"off_icon": false,
"icon": false
"token": null,
"properties": {
"custom_properties": "yes",
"network": "4G",
"city": "FLORIDA",
"sensor": "v1.2",
"ID": "10073367",
"region": "SOUTH",
"my_info": {
"code": "11223344",
"state": "UPDATING"
"country": "US"
"groups": [
"__version": "5.3.2",
"device": 862831032123456,
"configuration": "0000",
"type": "vehicle",
"id": 2292
"label": "new",
"lat": 26.68205,
"device_id": 862831032123456
Updated 15 days ago