The routes API is useful for creating paths on a map that can be used to know if an entity passed through the path and reached a set destination at any point in time.
Routes are comprised of 2 or more checkpoints up to 25 checkpoints max. The first and last checkpoints are known as the origin and destination checkpoints, they are required to have a time. The origin's time is also known as the time of departure and the destination time the time of arrival.

Routes can be scheduled to repeat on a daily basis. Each checkpoint within a route can also have a minimum and maximum duration.

When the route's time of departure starts (based on the timezone given and the first checkpoints time) the entity's progress is recorded in the route_state API, and once it reaches any checkpoints either by location or the scheduled time of arrival expires, the location of the entity is recorded, once the entity leaves a checkpoint that's not the last one it's also recorded.

Multiple routes can be assigned to the same entity, and the status of multiple routes can be updated simultaneously.


Routes Evaluation

An entity's route is evaluated 4 hours before and up to 4 hours after the range of time scheduled on the route.

So if the departure is scheduled for 8AM and the arrival for 6PM the route is monitored to start from anywhere between 4AM until 10PM. As long as it hits any of the checkpoints at that time it'll be considered a visit.

Create routes

Routes are created within the entities api,

POST /entities/:id/routes

Required parameters

  • active - true if the route is active or not
  • checkpoints - array of 2 or more checkpoints (max 25)
    lat - latitude
    lon - longitude
    * buffer - radius (meters)
  • schedules - times of departures and arrivals of the checkpoints
    active - true if schedule is active or not
    timezone - timezone
    repeat - time of the week which the route will repeat
    checkpoints - array of the times and durations per checkpoint
    * time - time for checkpoint (HH:mm)

Optional parameters

  • name - name of the route
  • enforce - true if the route is enforced (relevant for alerts)
  • color - HEX code for the color of the route
  • description - notes or descriptions of the route
  • checkpoints
    * name - for each checkpoint
  • schedules
    min_duration - minimum duration in minutes
    max_duration - maximum duration in minutes
    mandatory - true if the checkpoint is mandatory
    * valid_until - timestamp in which the route will go inactive (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.000Z)
  • path - object with a path for the entity to follow as it goes through the destination
    buffer - radius of the path (meters)
    encoding - polyline encoded path


Route states and validity

Note that the route states are evaluated as long as the route's valid_until date. If you don't specify a valid_until date, then the route is evaluated indefinitely. It's important that if you want to modify or remove routes that you specify the valid_until date and create a new route accordingly.

  "active": true,
  "name": "Pick up package",
  "checkpoints": [
      "name": "First checkpoint",
      "buffer": 150,
      "lat": 25.78363,
      "lon": -80.29349
      "name": "Arrival",
      "buffer": 158,
      "lat": 25.79587,
      "lon": -80.27858
  "schedules": [
      "active": true,
      "timezone": "America/New_York",
      "repeat": "Sun",
      "checkpoints": [
          "time": "12:05"
          "time": "12:30"

Route states

get an entities' route states

GET /route_states?entities=:id

    "is_outside_path": false,
    "name": "Client visit route",
    "finalized": true,
    "route_end": "1903121725",
    "start_epoch": 1552410000,
    "updated_at": 1552415585.2653241,
    "route_id": 60,
    "end_epoch": 1552411500,
    "finalized_cpt": 6,
    "checkpoints": [
        "max_duration": 0,
        "mandatory": null,
        "name": "Departure",
        "finalized": true,
        "geometry": [
        "min_duration": 0,
        "time": 1552410000,
        "id": "cpt.start",
        "events": {
          "entered": {
            "system_time_epoch": 1552403066.3740399,
            "gpsknit_prev_lat": 25.783390000000001,
            "gpsknit_prev_event_time__epoch": 1552395072.0,
            "lon": -80.293149999999997,
            "label": "slpoff",
            "gpsknit_prev_lon": -80.293149999999997,
            "lat": 25.783390000000001,
            "id": 147726267731374,
            "event_time_epoch": 1552403035.0
          "last": null,
          "exited": {
            "system_time_epoch": 1552410955.968734,
            "gpsknit_prev_lat": 25.783390000000001,
            "gpsknit_prev_event_time__epoch": 1552410920.0,
            "lon": -80.293329999999997,
            "label": "mblybrkon",
            "gpsknit_prev_lon": -80.293149999999997,
            "lat": 25.78332,
            "id": 147726275620968,
            "event_time_epoch": 1552410932.0
        "max_duration": 5,
        "mandatory": null,
        "name": "Discovery HQ",
        "finalized": true,
        "geometry": [
        "min_duration": 3,
        "time": 1552410180,
        "id": "cpt.1",
        "events": {
          "entered": null,
          "last": null,
          "exited": null
        "max_duration": 0,
        "mandatory": null,
        "name": "7th Street",
        "finalized": true,
        "geometry": [
        "min_duration": 0,
        "time": 1552410300,
        "id": "cpt.2",
        "events": {
          "entered": {
            "system_time_epoch": 1552411068.2377181,
            "gpsknit_prev_lat": 25.77758,
            "gpsknit_prev_event_time__epoch": 1552411057.0,
            "lon": -80.300820000000002,
            "label": "mblyspd",
            "gpsknit_prev_lon": -80.299199999999999,
            "lat": 25.77758,
            "id": 147726275733237,
            "event_time_epoch": 1552411066.0
          "last": null,
          "exited": {
            "system_time_epoch": 1552411088.8534629,
            "gpsknit_prev_lat": 25.777660000000001,
            "gpsknit_prev_event_time__epoch": 1552411068.0,
            "lon": -80.304209999999998,
            "label": "aggdrv",
            "gpsknit_prev_lon": -80.301230000000004,
            "lat": 25.777699999999999,
            "id": 147726275753853,
            "event_time_epoch": 1552411083.0
        "max_duration": 0,
        "mandatory": null,
        "name": "Miliam Diary Rd",
        "finalized": true,
        "geometry": [
        "min_duration": 0,
        "time": 1552410420,
        "id": "cpt.3",
        "events": {
          "entered": null,
          "last": null,
          "exited": null
        "max_duration": 0,
        "mandatory": null,
        "name": "12 Sth & 826",
        "finalized": true,
        "geometry": [
        "min_duration": 0,
        "time": 1552410600,
        "id": "cpt.4",
        "events": {
          "entered": {
            "system_time_epoch": 1552411389.4811511,
            "gpsknit_prev_lat": 25.78192,
            "gpsknit_prev_event_time__epoch": 1552411382.0,
            "lon": -80.320800000000006,
            "label": "trckpnt",
            "gpsknit_prev_lon": -80.320869999999999,
            "lat": 25.782399999999999,
            "id": 147726276054481,
            "event_time_epoch": 1552411384.0
          "last": null,
          "exited": {
            "system_time_epoch": 1552411396.8575439,
            "gpsknit_prev_lat": 25.782399999999999,
            "gpsknit_prev_event_time__epoch": 1552411384.0,
            "lon": -80.321089999999998,
            "label": "mblyhdwrn",
            "gpsknit_prev_lon": -80.320800000000006,
            "lat": 25.784420000000001,
            "id": 147726276061857,
            "event_time_epoch": 1552411395.0
        "max_duration": 0,
        "mandatory": null,
        "name": "12 Street & 84 AVE",
        "finalized": true,
        "geometry": [
        "min_duration": 0,
        "time": 1552410960,
        "id": "cpt.5",
        "events": {
          "entered": null,
          "last": null,
          "exited": null
        "max_duration": 0,
        "mandatory": null,
        "name": "Arrival",
        "finalized": true,
        "geometry": [
        "min_duration": 0,
        "time": 1552411500,
        "id": "cpt.end",
        "events": {
          "entered": null,
          "last": null,
          "exited": null
    "path": {
      "buffer": 80,
      "encoding": "q{j|CnkaiNnBCNtb@ElEVjD[bBvA_BjHCbT]CbIp@~H?rO~CnSR~JsDuCgBbGaMbN{FlIgEhEUrR^rUOrg@WjDqM@?hTZB?i@"
    "route_start": "1903121700",
    "exited_path": false,
    "color": "#FFC107"

The /route_states api is given one or many entity IDs and it returns the current status and a history of all the routes and their states.
The parameter finalized is used to indicate whether the route's time of arrival has expired or the entity has reached it's final checkpoint. Once that value is true the rest of the object does not get updated. Thus representing the last state of the route at the time of completion.


Note that the API returns the last 100 route states

The following results are after the route is finalized

Returned results

  • name - name of the route
  • color - color of the route
  • exited_path - null, means that it was never inside the path, true means that it was at one point outside the route's path, false means that it stayed in route's path at all time
  • finalized - true if the time of arrival expired or the entity reached its last checkpoint
  • finalized_cpt - checkpoint progress, increases by one every time the checkpoints are finalized
  • is_outside_path - true if the entity was outside the path.
  • route_start - scheduled time of the start of the route YYMMDDHHMM (in route's timezone)
  • start_epoch - scheduled start time of the route as an epoch
  • route_end - scheduled time of the end of the route YYMMDDHHMM (in route's timezone)
  • end_epoch - scheduled end time of the route as an epoch
  • route_id - specific id for an entity's route
  • checkpoints - array of the checkpoints for the routes
    geometry - lon, lat, and radius of the checkpoint
    id - identifier of the checkpoint cpt.start, cpt.#, or cpt.end
    events - obect with events that correspond to the entrance / exit of an entity to a checkpoint
    entered - checkpoint was visited with this info
    * exited - checkpoint exited with this info

Viewing routes

GET /entities/:id/routes/:id

    "edited_at": "2019-01-11T13:13:46.809564+00:00",
    "__updated": 1547212426.899816,
    "uuid": "KGRwMApTJ3BhdGgnCnAx",
    "color": "#CD0A0A",
    "created_at": "2018-10-26T01:54:00.751951+00:00",
    "description": "",
    "id": 18,
    "primary_id": 1673,
    "options": {},
    "checkpoints": [
        "lat": 25.74513,
        "buffer": 204,
        "lon": -80.12540,
        "name": "Departure"
        "lat": 25.78412,
        "buffer": 108,
        "lon": -80.29345,
        "name": "Arrival"
    "schedules": [
        "active": true,
        "timezone": "America/New_York",
        "repeat": "Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri",
        "valid_until": null,
        "checkpoints": [
            "max_duration": 0,
            "min_duration": 0,
            "optional": false,
            "time": "8:00"
            "max_duration": 0,
            "min_duration": 0,
            "optional": false,
            "time": "8:35"
    "active": true,
    "path": {
      "buffer": 95,
      "encoding": "ajc|Cx_thNsGjA^zViXdAEtWrBraC`IfjAoD?jCv}Bqi@tA{dDtEuGr^_Eo@"
    "enforce": null,
    "name": "Daily weekday route"

To view a list of the routes assigned to an entity you can use the /entities/:id/routes api

Edit a route

PUT /entities/:id/routes/:id

Updating a route's times (hour later)

    "edited_at": "2019-01-11T13:13:46.809564+00:00",
    "__updated": 1547212426.899816,
    "uuid": "KGRwMApTJ3BhdGgnCnAx",
    "color": "#CD0A0A",
    "created_at": "2018-10-26T01:54:00.751951+00:00",
    "description": "",
    "id": 18,
    "primary_id": 1673,
    "options": {},
    "checkpoints": [
            "lat": 25.74513,
            "buffer": 204,
            "lon": -80.225409999999997,
            "name": "Client 1"
            "lat": 25.784120000000001,
            "buffer": 108,
            "lon": -80.293450000000007,
            "name": "Destination"
    "schedules": [
            "active": true,
            "timezone": "America/New_York",
            "repeat": "Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri",
            "valid_until": null,
            "checkpoints": [
                    "max_duration": 0,
                    "min_duration": 0,
                    "optional": false,
                    "time": "9:00"
                    "max_duration": 0,
                    "min_duration": 0,
                    "optional": false,
                    "time": "9:35"
    "active": true,
    "path": {
        "buffer": 95,
        "encoding": "ajc|Cx_thNsGjA^zViXdAEtWrBraC`IfjAoD?jCv}Bqi@tA{dDtEuGr^_Eo@"
    "enforce": null,
    "name": "Pick up package"

A route can be edited to update just about anything as long as the finalized parameter is not marked as true.

To update a route go to that specific route ID for a particular entity and update it


Updating a route

It's recommended to always update a route using the entire payload of the GET request.

Delete a route

DELETE /entities/:id/routes/:id

When deleting a route you have to pass it the route ID.

Deleting an active route

Deleting an active route will void any triggers associated to it