
This page will help you get started with Pegasus

Welcome to the API Documentation!

This documentation gives you access to the entire Pegasus stack, including live communication, device interaction, and historical data. The documentation is designed to make it easy to interact with DCT's suite of IoT devices that are currently supported on Pegasus, allowing you to deploy highly customizable solutions.

If you find yourself stuck or don't have a clear understanding of what's going on, please don't hesitate to post issues on our public repo and join the conversation in our Gitter.


Digital Communication Technologies (DCT) manufactures highly customizable devices which collect data from different sensors and accessories as well as GPS satellites simultaneously.

These devices send all their data in realtime to a server called: Pegasus IoT Cloud or just Pegasus. Pegasus works as a central server where all the data is collected, analyzed and then exposed via the API for easy viewing.

The API allows you to query any of the 900+ parameters the devices and their sensors expose. It is also a way for you to interact directly with the device, allowing you to make changes to the configuration, create rules, customizable actions depending on device states, and much more with easy to understand API commands.


Multiple Pegasus servers can exist, in fact there are multiple Pegasus servers deployed around the world, each server having a custom URL or subdomain which is controlled by a Pegasus owner via a licensed fee.

Central API & Base URL

Central API:
Base URL:

There are two API endpoints that reach the same data, the Central API and each site's Base URL.

You can use either one interchangeably for developing your application.


The API's version is found in the Central API & Base URL endpoints. Note that the central API requires a valid authentication token.

The tag found in the response follows semantic versioning.

Breaking changes may occur on major and minor numbers. Patches, are not expected to affect compatibility.

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