Alerts & Notifications

The alerts & notifications module is where we can browse & attend the generated gateway alerts or manage system alerts.


Clicking on Inbox, will show you any unattended alerts, note that this module updates in real-time, so there’s no need to refresh, the alerts will come in and update automatically.


Alert History

Alerts are stored in the gateway for the past month and the current month. After 2 months the alerts are erased and cannot be recovered.

Attending Alerts

To mark an alert as attended, you can either click on the checkmark icon next to the alert's name, or open the alert by clicking on its name, and then click on the RESOLVE button at the bottom. Note that Critical alerts require a comment before marking them as resolved.

Once you’ve attended several alerts you can click the following button to clear them:


Notifications are custom messages that can be generated for other users on a specific schedule. The notifications can have rich text including attachments like images or documents.

To get started click on the "Create New Notification" button, next to the Notifications section, type in the message, and hit SAVE.

Once a notification is SAVED the user will receive it and get a popup message on the top right corner.